Poker is a card game played by two or more players. There are many different forms of poker, but all involve betting and the opportunity to win a pot (the sum of all bets made during a single deal).

The first round of betting begins after each player has been dealt 2 cards face down. Depending on the rules of the game, there may be one or more betting rounds. During each betting interval, or “round,” each player must either call (put into the pot the same number of chips as the previous player) or raise (put in more than the previous player).

If you have good hole cards and want to see the flop or turn, you might choose to “call” (put in the minimum amount of money to stay in the hand) or “raise” the bet (put in more money than the last player). If your opponents call or raise, your chances of winning are improved.

The game requires a high degree of risk-taking and the ability to weigh up your options carefully. There is also a great deal of skill involved in reading your opponents and their tells. This is a key skill that can be applied to both the game of poker and life. Being able to weight your chances of success will allow you to make more money than those who play it safe.